Club Med and Tripadvisor Jointly Launch First Insight into Chinese Snow Sport Travel Sector with Debut Ski Insights Survey


Beijing, China (8 September 2017) – Club Med and TripAdvisor jointly announced the findings of the Chinese Ski Insights Survey, the first in-depth study of winter sports habits among Chinese consumers. Released at the World Winter Sports Expo 2017 in Beijing today, the groundbreaking survey was conducted by the world-renowned all-inclusive resort brand Club Med in collaboration with the leading online travel resource TripAdvisor.       

The 2017 Chinese Ski Insights Survey found that almost two thirds of respondents (62%) had skied previously and that 60% of those surveyed indicated that they will definitely do so again in the next three years. Of those surveyed, Club Med and TripAdvisor found that 37% of the Chinese skiers had travelled to another city for  skiing and 18% had ventured overseas to do so – with Japan, South Korea and Switzerland being the top destinations.

The Chinese travellers suggested that their primary concerns when choosing a destination for their ski holiday were safety (43%), the modernity and ease of use of the facilities (41%) and the accessibility of the location (40%). When it came to deciding upon a resort, the factors that matter to China’s skiers were the immediate accessibility to slopes (50%), the resort’s reputation in reviews on TripAdvisor and similar sites (46%) and services offered within the resort (43%). Those surveyed said that price was not as important a concern to them.     

Club Med currently operates two resorts in China at Yabuli in Heilongjiang province and Beidahu in Jilin province, the site of the 2007 Winter Asian Games.

Through its all-inclusive holiday philosophy with a French touch, along with the global Gentils Organisateurs (G.O.) team and international ski instructors, Club Med is creating unforgettable snow holidays for travelers of all kinds.